svn status [PATH…]
The first seven columns in the output are each one character wide, and each column gives you information about a different aspect of each working copy item.
For each updated item a line will start with a character reporting the action taken. These characters have the following meaning:
- U: Working file was updated
- G: Changes on the repo were automatically merged into the working copy
- M: Working copy is modified
- C: This file conflicts with the version in the repo
- ?: This file is not under version control
- !: This file is under version control but is missing or incomplete
- A: This file will be added to version control (after commit)
- A+: This file will be moved (after commit)
- D: This file will be deleted (after commit)
- S: This signifies that the file or directory has been switched from the path of the rest of the working copy (using svn switch) to a branch
- I: Ignored
- X: External definition
- ~: Type changed
- R: This file got replaced. / Item has been replaced in your working copy. This means the file was scheduled for deletion, and then a new file with the same name was scheduled for addition in its place.
- E: Existed
A character in the first column signifies an update to the actual file, while updates to the file’s props are shown in the second column.