Internet Password Wi-Fi

Recover a Mac WIFI Password

There are a couple of ways to get to this data, including simply using the Keychain Access utility, but probably the easiest way to get to this specific data is to go through Airport System Preferences. Go into the Airport control area of Mac OS X and you’ll find a list of all the different networks you’ve successfully joined in the past, including those with and without passwords.

Open up System Preferences –> Network –> Airport –> Configure…:

Pick the network you need and click on the little “EDIT” button and a new window pops up with specific information on this network:

Click on the “Show Password” checkbox, and ….

The password is shown in hex but dont worry it’ll still work when you paste it into your new WIFI profile if you choose to create one.

'Coz sharing is caring
Microsoft Softwares

Password to Uninstall Symantec Antivirus Client

We all know Norton can’t protect you , but also Norton is sometimes a pain in the ass to uninstall , sometimes it has files you cant remove etc. But even before you get to that point you’re prompted for an uninstall passowrd? wtf? sometimes you were the person who installed it sometimes you’re not either  way you don’t know the password. Here’s a simple way to bypass that problem.
The default password that should work for most of the Symantec uninstallation is “symantec“. Duh.

If the default password doesn’t work do this:
1) Go to Start -> Run and type regedit
2) Navigate to: 

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\INTEL\LANDesk\VirusProtect6\CurrentVersion\Administrator Only\Security\

3) Double click on the value name “UseVPUninstallPassword” and change the value from 1 to 0
4) Close the registry and retry the uninstall.

'Coz sharing is caring