Open your command prompt (using win+R and type cmd)
Type nslookup
The prompt will change to >
Type set q=mx (for mail exchange)
Now type any domain name, you wish to find out server address for, e.g: swatantra.info
Now look for the MX preference lines.
These are the ones that list the various smtp/esmtp mail server addresses.. higher the preference no you choose the better.. because they’ll work smoother..
Once you get through, say exit to command prompt, to quit.
Category: Microsoft
1. Web service: Solr places Lucene over HTTP, allowing programs written in any language to invoke Lucene
2. XML-based schema for managing indexed fields and their characteristics
3. System administration tools for configuration, data loading, index replication, statistics, logging and cache management
4. Large scale distributed search
5. Fixed/paid result list placement
6. Faceting — the dynamic clustering of items or search results into categories that lets users drill into search results (or even skip searching entirely) by any value in any field, as seen on popular ecommerce sites such as Amazon
Feature List of Solr
1) Faceted search
2) Full-text search
3) Hit highlighting
4) Dynamic clustering
5) Sorting
6) Filtering
7) Spell checking
8) Elevation
9) Boosting at index and query time
10) “Did you mean” spell checking
11) Finding Documents that are “More like this”
12) Overriding search results based on editorial input (also known as paid placement)
13) Term
14) Term Frequency
15) Position (based on analysis)
16) Offset (character based)
17) IDF – Inverse Document Frequency
18) CopyField functionality allows indexing a single field multiple ways, or combining multiple fields into a single searchable field
1 HTTP interface with configurable response formats (XML/XSLT, JSON, Python, Ruby)
2 Sort by any number of fields
3 Advanced DisMax query parser for high relevancy results from user-entered queries
4 Highlighted context snippets
5 Faceted Searching based on unique field values and explicit queries
6 Spelling suggestions for user queries
7 More Like This suggestions for given document
8 Constant scoring range and prefix queries – no idf, coord, or lengthNorm factors, and no restriction on the number of terms the query matches.
9 Function Query – influence the score by a function of a field’s numeric value or ordinal
10 Date Math – specify dates relative to “NOW” in queries and updates
11 Performance Optimizations
Cache in Solr
Admin Interface
1 Comprehensive statistics on cache utilization, updates, and queries
2 Interactive schema browser that includes index statistics
3 Replication monitoring
4 Full logging control
5 Text analysis debugger, showing result of every stage in an analyzer
6 Web Query Interface w/ debugging output
o parsed query output
o Lucene explain() document score detailing
o explain score for documents outside of the requested range to debug why a given document wasn’t ranked higher.