
Auto-Refresh your Browser on file change

    How? Just include Live.js and it will monitor the current page including local CSS and Javascript by sending consecutive HEAD requests to the server. Changes to CSS will be applied dynamically and HTML or Javascript changes will reload the page. Try it!

Where? Live.js works in Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera and IE6+ until proven otherwise. Live.js is independent of the development framework or language you use, whether it be Ruby, Handcraft, Python, Django, NET, Java, Php, Drupal, Joomla or what-have-you.

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

There is another way to achieve this using jQuery
You could just place a javascript interval on your page, have it query a local script which checks the last date modified of the css file, and refreshes it if it changed.

var modTime = 0;
  $.post("isModified.php", {"file":"main.css", "time":modTime}, function(rst) {
    if (rst.time != modTime) {
      modTime = rst.time;
      // reload style tag
      $("head link[rel='stylesheet']:eq(0)").remove();
}, 5000);
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